Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Have you ever found yourself thinking about what it would be like to exist in a world overrun with zombies? Do you often daydream about the glorious moment that you get to beat someone in the face with a banjo ? Are your thoughts constantly revolving around raiding your local supermarket for that last box of Twinkies? If all of these things sound like you, don't worry, you are not alone. Welcome to Zombieland.

Written by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, and directed by Ruben Fleischer, Zombieland is a film that takes us on a thrill ride through a post-apocalyptic world crawling with mad cow disease infected zombies. The film's unlikely hero goes by the name of Columbus (played by Jesse Eisneberg), a man in his early twenties that has a phobia of just about everything. He soon hooks up with the banjo-wielding, Twinkie-eating, Hummer-driving badass known as Tallahassee (great casting choice of Woody Harrelson) and off they go together. The twosome set out on an adventure to head east where the zombie virus hasn't reached certain areas. However, Tallahassee soon begins to crave a spongy cream cake, so they make a pit stop. After luring a few zombies to come running to their untimely "redeath", the duo runs into another pair of survivors, Wichita and Little Rock (Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin respectively). Of course the two groups have a few disagreements, but they ultimatley join together to trek through the zombie infested planet.

In itself, Zombieland is a laugh out loud comedy that doesn't pull any punches, but it gets even better when Bill Murray shows up to do a cameo appearance as Bill Murray?! The pacing is great, the gore is never gratuitous, and the entire cast works together beautifully to bring together a story of death, fun and Rule #32 - Enjoying the little things. A movie that will definitely spawn multiple sequels, Zombieland is not one to miss if you're a zombie fan, a comedy fan, or a fan of Deliverence.

Zombieland - playing in a theater near you and most likely will be for quite some time.

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