Monday, December 26, 2011

December 26, 2011

A quick poem based upon my stupidity. Enjoy. :)

December 26, 2011
Written By: Michael T. Flanders

Twas the day after Christmas and all through the house
every creature was stirring, including a mouse.
A fight raged on, egos and feelings were hurt.
Both parties were left feeling like complete and utter dirt.
She wanted him to tag along to the family tradition.
He wanted to, but declined due to a back condition.
Neither one quite understood the other’s point of view,
so in their anger and depression they both continued to stew.
She walked out the door, a chilled wind in her wake.
He just wanted the argument to stop for goodness sake!
His apologies rolled off his tongue and he said things would’ve been different
If only she had opened up and said what she really meant.
Her claim was that it was Christmas and he made time for his family,
why couldn’t he do the same for her and avoid this calamity?
The disagreement carried on throughout the day,
even though the man knew he was wrong in every, single way.
A woman scorned is not to be trifled with,
they’re worse than the evilest and most powerful of Sith.
And as for the unintentional guilt trip, it still went through,
so he was left wondering until 7:30pm what he would do…

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