Sunday, September 20, 2009

Strawberry Fields Forever... Or until tomorrow

Writer's block, the bane of my existence.

Well, that's not entirely true. I have many things that are the "bane of my existence". Rap music, ignorance, Uwe Boll, infidelity, paranoia, ex lovers and former girlfriends (Blondie Bear especially), the economy, typos, paper cuts, my dog (whose name is Bane, ironic huh?), etc.

The point is though, that I have writer's block. I was making tons of headway with my script and an event two days ago triggered my writing to waiver. The event, which came in the form of an email, has caused me to lose all capabilities to construct proper dialogue. With this epidemic I can no longer build the story that takes place within Act 3 of "Kill You Dead". Insert seething anger here.

So I can't write, great. What is a writer to do when he can't write? That's like asking what would Hitler do if he couldn't find a race of people to try and wipe off the map. The answer is simple, he'd FIND a race of people to wipe off the map, which means I need to FIND something to write about. Easy enough, right? Riiiiiight....?

My topic of choice is randomness. I choose randomness because it seems to be the only thing "the email" didn't affect. With that, let's begin with some Boston lyrics;

"Well I get so lonely when I am without you
But in my mind, deep in my mind,
I can't forget about you
Good times, and faces that remind me
I'm tryin' to forget your name and leave it all behind me
You're comin' back to find me."

This portion of "Foreplay/ Long Time" seemed apropos for the situation, hence why I picked it. Let's try some Slipknot now and see where that takes us;

"My life is undone
And I'm a sinner to most but a sage to some
And my Gods are untrue
I'm probably wrong but I'm better than you

And the longest hours I've had in my life
Were the ones I went through to know I was right
So I'm safe but I'm a little outside
I'm gonna laugh when I'm buried alive"

Mmm, anger. Self-destructive, whiny anger. Let's see if we can get some humor in here now;

I wanna take you to a gay bar,
I wanna take you to a gay bar,
I wanna take you to a gay bar, gay bar, gay bar"

Ah, Electric Six, such a dreadful band. Everyone please blame English for ever introducing me to such a horrid, yet catchy song about homosexuality.

Moving from sound to "something visual that's not too abysmal" (a high five to whoever gets the reference), check out this awesome clip from the Tropic Thunder guys!

Alas, poor Jack Black, I knew him well. (The clip would've been posted here, but I couldn't embed it).

And check out this awesome, Oscar-award winning performance!

What was that? An encore you say? Coming right up!

Did you feel the passion?! He DID NOT hit her, he did NAUGHT!

The only thing missing from this scene was "Whose Responsible This?", google it and you'll understand (just don't read the Pokemon porn story that created the saying).

What else......?

Oh, it seems as if both of my best friends and I are on the outs right now. One seems to be angry that our phone schedules conflict now more than ever, while the other thinks my ex and I are going to get back together. The latter friend also thinks it's okay to say I stole money from him because he refused to do the math to figure out his total due back (say that ten times fast).

Anywho, I should go and try to work on the script. My mind has finally slowed down a little and I think I may be able to piece together some dialogue. Cheers to you all for reading!

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