Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Long Time, No See...

Yeah, yeah, I know... It's been a few months since I last posted. I'M SORRY!!! Life has been pretty hectic lately! School, work, LIFE, it's all swarmed me, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Here's a breakdown from the last time I posted, which should be somewhere in November of last year:

My play, Ichabod's Hollow was a pretty big success, with yours truly even making a special guest appearance in it on the final night (look on my Facebook for the pictures). Since then, I've written a couple of one-act plays and did some revisions on others for an anthology show this past Spring. However, things fell through with that, but a Fall show is in the works using all of the scripts. Once the final prep work is done on that I'm hoping to have my Noir (?!?!?) script done for a Spring 2012 production. I know, I know, Noir is a bit different for me, but Casablanca really opened up my perception to it. In related news, keep a look out for my Fine Print script in the Fall line up, it has potential to be one of my best pieces yet!!!

Year One at Hogwarts is officially done! I completed my first year of (part time) college and am returning in the Fall for my second year. I think this year I will concentrate more on my general studies and writing courses, rather than the educational classes (didn't dig my intro to Ed class too much). I guess I'm just biding time until I either drop dead or hit it big with a script. The former will probably happen first. :\

When I'm not writing or going to school, my time is preoccupied with having a FULL TIME job! Now I know what you're thinking... "FINALLY!" But don't judge me, friends, for it took a lot of trials, tribulations, and me having my head up my ass to get here. I'm just glad I've finally recovered after a couple of "dark" years... For those interested, I am a preschool teacher/breaker at a nifty little place out in Peoria. It's a bit of a drive, but the people there make it worth it. I tell you what, I thought it'd be pretty hard to find a place that treated me better than WPHS, but at least this place doesn't make me do coffee runs!

As of now I am rocking the single life (boo), and for those of you who aren't keeping tabs on my love life, I split with my last ex around the end of January because she was a cheating harpy. And I emphasize the word "harpy". Alas, that doesn't mean Mr. Michael is without a love interest, but he has done what is the norm; placing himself into a completely "WTF" situation... I guess old habits die hard...

The remodel of my (mom's) house is underway, but has stagnated a bit this past month because things have just become incredibly busy. Fret not, for everything will get done this summer! The living room has a new coat of brown paint, and comes equipped with a 42-inch flat screen television, all of the game systems an early twenties male needs, and a back wall lined with posters for Shaun of the Dead, Ghostbusters, Army of Darkness, and Back to the Future. Yes, the uber-geek in me is coming out for the remodel. I won't even mention the Sam and Dean poster I have in my closet, just waiting for a place to be put up...

Halloween is just around the corner, and you know what that means! Not only is the house getting a facelift this summer, but so are all of my lovely, little toys for my favorite holiday! I think the guillotine is going to be raised by about four feet to give it a little more authenticity, the gallows will be altered (hopefully), and the dummies will have even more maneuverability! Still gotta make up for Halloween of last year... Silly friends and their wanting to get married. Pfft. :P

I have a van. An awesome van. That keeps breaking down on me. But it's still awesome. Yeah. It is.

Well, I think that about sums me up for now. Feel free to drop me a line if you want to make sure I really am alive and not a Michael clone, or if you just feel like catching up more! Keep on rockin', people!

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