Monday, August 22, 2011

My first class assignment and updates

Hello all, once more it has been months since my last visit to this lovely, little blog site. Not much has changed in the life of "The Fuzz", but let me give you a breakdown anyway.

Work has been... odd... as of late. I'm not really sure how I pulled it off, but I've been down at one of our other schools sites and they put in a transfer request for me. After declining so I could stay at my work site, I was rewarded with a week-long adventure back to the site I turned down. We'll check the "awkward-meter" tomorrow... On top of that, my work site has been down in numbers, down in happiness, and pretty much down in everything. We're all a wreck over there, with no easy fix in sight.

The Fuzz Mobile is still rockin', 'nuff said.

Yours truly is still a victim of the dreaded single life, even with every attempt to break out of it. Between a busy schedule and "non ex-girlfriends", it seems as if I'll be a one-man wolf pack for awhile.

My grandmother is insane and my grandfather is locked away in a care facility. Fun times...

School started again today, which is actually the reason I'm blogging in the first place. I had my first assignment today; writing a brief piece about eating an apple. It'll be listed below momentarily. My homework assignment, however, is going to be a bit of a challenge. I have to write a free verse poem about my favorite food. Poetry - the bane of my existence... Okay, it really isn't, but it's still pretty bad. On that note, here's the uninspired, completely unoriginal creative writing short from Mr. Devilishly Good-Looking over here...

"Keeping The Doctor Away" (Not my title)

The tough skin felt coarse and rugged under my teeth. I chomped down, tearing through the protective, red shell that housed the juicy goodness I so longed for. Contrary to the jest the ruby peel played, the innards of Eve's temptation screamed of moist pleasure, hardly showing any relation to each other. Another bite and the seduction continued, fending off the doctor's visit with my fruitful lover. Within moments I had devoured the once whole apple, putting an end to any ill delusion its rough casing had made.

I know, I know... It's contrived, but deal with it. I haven't written anything good in months, so I'm shaking out the cobwebs. On that note, it's time to bolt. Hopefully I'll stay more up to date with the updating of the blog (I'm doing two writing classes this semester, so I should have stuff to post often) As always, questions or comments are welcome, and you know where to find me if you wanna talk. Seacrest, out!

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